Therapy, Support, and Events for Your Wellness Journey

At Elite Counselling & Consulting, we provide in-person psychotherapy in Bowmanville and virtual therapy across Ontario, with a clinical focus of mindset therapy, couples therapy, and perinatal therapy (fertility, loss, pregnancy, and postpartum). We also host workshops, support groups, and psycho-educational events to support your mental health journey. Check out our calendar for upcoming events –here or email us at if there’s an offering you’d like to see!

Elite Counselling & Consulting offers a wide variety of wellness / mental health workshops, courses, and events.





Below are some of the mental health and wellness workshops that we’ve offered in the past. Currently there are no upcoming workshops.





You can also fill out our workshop interest form, to stay informed of upcoming workshops.








The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work





  • Get the insight on what makes or breaks a couple!
  • Learn the renowned tools & strategies from John Gottman’s research.
  •  Based on studies of over 3000 couples, over a 20 year span!





Offered through Elite Counselling & Consulting Services, from a leader trained in the workshop delivery, by the Institute itself. For more information or to register click here.






If you habitually struggle with worry, this workshop is for you. We’ll be looking at, what is worry, why we worry, and what can we do to break free from worry. 

A deeper understanding of how we get stuck in worrying, reveals insights that can help us on the path to breaking free. The workshop culminates to share with participants 3 steps to breaking free of worry, of which the THIRD step is using tools and strategies (some of which will be covered).

If you’re stuck in habitually worrying and have been trying tools & coping to no avail, find out the steps you may be missing at the next Break Free from Worry workshop.







From A-Z, P-P: Anxiety to Zen, Panic to Peace





Find a way to thrive with your anxiety and/or panic. This workshop takes a psycho-educational look at anxiety & panic. Presenting tools and strategies from an integrated CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) & ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) model.














Stay Informed & Have A Voice: Workshop Interest Form

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