Running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its fair share of stress and challenges. As a business owner, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant demands and responsibilities that come your way. However, maintaining your mental health is crucial not only for your well-being but also for the success and sustainability of your business. In this blog, we’ll explore practice tips and strategies to help you stay mentally resilient and thrive both personally and professionally.



    • Start/stop routines – have routines that define the start and end of your work day or period.
    • Being mindful of how much you take on, and your capacity before saying yes
    • Consider your needs and wants.
    • Work on assertiveness to communicate boundaries.

Self-care – Consider the 3 R’s:

    • Regulation – in the moment, when you become aware of dysregulation (overwhelm, anger, isolation, withdrawing), engaging in soothing, inquiring with self what you need and working to meet your needs. Ex. I need to walk away, exhale, move my body.
    • Routine – what are daily routine practices for off-setting stress.
    • Restoration- What are practices that may require energy output but restores mental/emotional capacity. Ex. Getting together with friends or going somewhere you enjoy.

 Build your network:

    • Having a peer group of other business owners can support validation as well as empower your business.

 Create a work environment:

    • Create a space to be a space of work, so there can be some walking away from work. A physical boundary helps create mental/emotional boundaries.
    • If you can create a separate phone number, so you’re not getting business calls during off hours.

For slow business period:

    • Create affirmations and alternate thoughts to challenge self-doubt in slow periods.
    • Remind yourself of other slow periods you’ve navigated, resource from your past, what did you do then.
    • Tap into network for support and collaboration.

 Recognize signs of burnout & don’t fill $5 gas:

    • Doing the above can prevent burn out but can also be a path to burn out recovery.
    • If you recognize signs of burn out, be mindful of trying to recover by filling $5 gas, if you notice signs of burnout, you are on empty, you need more than just a day off or a one time outing to recover. Think of it like illness recovery, we all have to start somewhere but then consider what changes are needed to heal and then work at prevention.
    • Signs of burnout:
      • Quick to dysregulation/irritation
      • Struggle with sleep
      • Rumination/intrusive thoughts
      • Compassion fatigue
      • Withdrawing/isolating
      • Trouble concentrating
      • Health issues flare (back pain, headaches, etc.)


Taking care of your mental health is an ongoing process that requires intentional effort and self-awareness. By implementing these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle the pressures of business operation. Remember you are the foundation of your business, your wellness is your greatest asset in achieving sustained success.